Welcome to a Business Breakfast Seminar, hosted  by H.E. Ambassador Karim Medrek, on “Doing Business in Morocco”

Date:        27 April 2023
Time:        8.00 – 9.30 Hours
Venue:      SWECO, Gjörwellsgatan 22
Who:        Members of Sweden Africa Chamber
RSVP:       Latest 19 April

As Europe’s gateway to Africa, Morocco is strategically located for businesses that want to expand in Northern and Western Africa. Several Swedish companies are already established in Morocco, mostly within the telecommunication and IT industry. Other growing sectors of importance to Sweden are Digitalization, Innovation, Renewal Energy, Automotive, Mining, Agriculture and Fishing.

Adopting a policy of economic and financial openness aiming to integrate the Moroccan economy into the global one, Morocco has continued to develop its economy, having as a priority the creation of jobs and the reduction of social gaps. 

Morocco succeeded to avoid the domino’s effect of the international economic crisis, over the last decade by achieving credible results in terms of GDP growth and the development of the people’s well-being.

Morocco has the ambition to go a step further while being the most attractive destination to invest in the region.


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